Vanessa Milano

Our work colleague Vanessa Milano is a friendly, warm and enterprising person. In her free time she…

Philip Handl at the Ötztaler Cycling Marathon

For the third summer in a row, Philip Handl has been working in the web department of Waldhart…

Marion Fritzer plays the flute

Marion Fritzer was born in Pfaffenhofen and is therefore not far from her workplace. She plays the…

Isabella Reichhalter

It was already clear after a glance at her application portfolio that with MMag. Isabella…

Kick-off WS Sports bei Faszinatour in Haiming 2016

Over the past few years, we've been working with great customers in the summer outdoor sports space…

Online store sales 2015/16 season

Waldhart Software's online stores have surpassed the EUR 20 million mark this winter season. This…

Virtual reality goggles

Isabella and Hannes thought about which measure would be suitable to bring a lot of resonance and an…

Overview sales online stores 2016

What's new to report from the online stores? The increase in sales is already normal. 26% more sales…

Turnover WS Ski schools January 2016

The upward trend continues. In January 2016, our online stores turned over EUR 6 million in a single…

WW Sports Achensee Website

Do you love to go on a wonderful hike through the Alps in summer? Or do you prefer an action-packed…