After the successful fire-fighting training in October (have you read the blog post and watched our colleagues extinguish a fire? ), another training on the correct behaviour in emergency situations was organised for the WS team. The focus of this workshop was: Emergency with motionless persons. Together with the emergency trainer Roland Wegscheider, our employees first refreshed their knowledge of the legal basics of first aid, general shock-fighting measures and other topics. Then it was time for the practical part, in which various emergency scenarios were simulated - here a cool head, quick reactions and above all teamwork were required. From the stable side position to cardiac massage and the use of a defibrillator, a wide variety of first aid measures were discussed and trained. We would like to thank Roland Wegscheider for the very instructive, life-like training and look forward to further workshops.
In the coming months, the WS team will have the opportunity to take part in further training courses on a wide range of health topics - the wishes and suggestions of the employees were taken into account. Thanks to our safety team for the great organisation!