Water march! The WS team at the fire safety training

On October 6, an important date was scheduled for our team: the fire protection training at the Tyrolean Fire Brigade School!

The correct use of fire extinguishers and co. in the first case can save lives and prevent great damage. Therefore, the goal of our training for the 1st extinguishing assistance was to know the correct use of these small extinguishers and to be able to act responsibly in an emergency.

In beautiful autumn weather we set off in car pools to the fire department school in Telfs. A varied program awaited us there: In the first part, we were first allowed to briefly press the school desk and learned the different fire classes, the most common devices of the first extinguishing aid as well as the basic extinguishing rules. In the second part, the newly acquired knowledge was immediately put into practice: Armed with fire extinguishers and fire blankets, we started our first attempts at extinguishing fires on the extensive training grounds of the fire academy under the professional guidance of our training supervisor. We successfully fought small and later also somewhat larger sources of fire. Finally, we even set fire to a pile of wood, which could only be extinguished with our combined forces. For us, this was a different kind of teamwork!

With the consolidated and new knowledge about fire protection, we are now well prepared for emergencies.


About the author

Johanna Bernhart
Johanna Bernhart
As a content manager and passionate writer, Johanna enjoys dedicating her attention to our news blog regularly. She loves writing about updates related to the WS team and often shares details about the latest company outing with the readers. Equally, she enjoys packaging her knowledge and research on various marketing topics into informative blog posts. When ideas for the next blog article aren't flowing easily, a quick yoga session with her office colleague Hanna often helps.