Hannes Waldhart with WS Online Award

This year, for the first time, Waldhart Software is awarding the WS Online Award to the ski school with the most online bookings in the period from May 2018 to April 2019.


The art foundry Krimer in Telfs designed the award especially for us and…

Region distribution online stores 2018

A total of 164,392 ski courses were booked via Waldhart Software's online shops in 2018. This means an increase in sales of 26.5 % to 33.8 million euros.

Privacy Policy Ski School Alpendorf

We take the new provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation seriously and have already dealt with them intensively.

Chatbot Avatar Ski Hirt

Our advanced chatbot represents an innovative text-based dialogue system designed to provide state-of-the-art automated responses to customer inquiries.

Website Ski School Arosa Mockup

Through our cooperation with the University of Innsbruck, we are tackling further innovative trends and have developed the first chatbot worldwide for a ski school in Arosa.

Waldhart Software at Tirolissimo

With our whole webteam and our client Ilona Schörghofer we celebrated extensively at this year's Tirolissimo Gala.